Utility Discount Affinity Programs

UtilityDiscount.com offers Affinity Programs with significant revenue sharing opportunities that can be co-branded for presentation to your members, customers and tenants. The program offers an elegant zip code driven energy comparison shopping portal wherein a select group of quality suppliers have agreed to compete directly for customers.

We have designed our Affinity Program to benefit our partners, their members and customers. Unlike many Affinity Programs or network marketing strategies, no premium is added to the cost of service. UtilityDiscount.com ‘s goal is to provide an excellent service at a very fair price. For residential customers we have identified a select group of premium suppliers to work with. These suppliers pay a modest commission on rates that are at or below their general public offerings. Business accounts have access to a dynamic, obligation free pricing portal that provides a transparent stress free platform for commodity purchases.

UtilityDiscount.com will partner with select groups and businesses to provide a service that benefits members, customers and tenants.. Businesses will secure additional revenue streams while providing value added services to their customers. Charitable organizations receive revenue from members who in turn obtain excellent service and prices for basic utilities.

UtilityDiscount.com structured the Affinity Program so that everyone wins. Customers receive excellent pricing, suppliers receive access to quality prospects and UtilityDiscount.com shares its modest, supplier paid fee with its partners.


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